About Me

I'm a Research Scientist at Symbolica AI. Previously, I obtained my PhD in theoretical computer science from the University of Washington, where I was fortunate to be co-advised by Shayan Oveis Gharan and James Lee. Before joining UW, I received my B.Sc. degree in computer engineering from the Sharif University of Technology. You can find my (outdated) CV here.


On approximability of the permanent of PSD matrices [ PDF | arXiv ]
F. Ebrahimnejad, A. Nagda, and S. Oveis Gharan
submitted, 2024

Multiscale entropic regularization for MTS on general metric spaces [ PDF | arXiv ]
F. Ebrahimnejad and J. R. Lee
ITCS 2022

Non-existence of annular separators in geometric graphs [ PDF | arXiv ]
F. Ebrahimnejad and J. R. Lee
Discrete & Computational Geometry, 2023

Counting and sampling perfect matchings in regular expanding non-bipartite graphs [ PDF | arXiv ]
F. Ebrahimnejad, A. Nagda, and S. Oveis Gharan
ITCS 2022

On planar graphs of uniform polynomial growth [ Slides | PDF | arXiv ]
F. Ebrahimnejad and J. R. Lee
Probability Theory and Related Fields, 2021

On the gap between separating words and separating their reversals [ PDF | arXiv ]
F. Ebrahimnejad
Theoretical Computer Science, 2018